(Not quite) The Rainbow Coalition

(Part I)

Rainbow Coalition of better display cases

We often get asked what makes our display cases better. Well, your looking at one of the reasons. That's right I'm talking about our colored risers!


Okay, we're not quite at ROYGBIV (yet) but we also have some colors not found in the rainbow. For those of you who have forgotten your science classes from when you were younger, ROYGBIV is your mnemonic device for remembering the colors of the rainbow in their correct order.

[I know, you're reading this and going, "Sean, dude, what's up with all of those big words? Well I got a Bachelor of Science degree (you know, B.S.) in Physics and you have to study light and refraction and you get used to big science words; plus I think mnemonic (ne-mah-nik, having to do with memory) is just a really cool word. Almost any word that starts with a silent letter is cool: psyche, pneumonia etc., but I digress]

When Mo started selling display cases, he had just Gold risers like every other retailer, but his were made of metal, not plastic like most of the others. Then Mo started thinking, "What if I offered customers the choice of Gold, Silver, or Black risers?" Other retailers told him he was nuts, that they wouldn't sell.

When Mo started selling display cases, he had just Gold risers like every other retailer, but his were made of metal, not plastic like most of the others. Then Mo started thinking, "What if I offered customers the choice of Gold, Silver, or Black risers?" Other retailers told him he was nuts, that they wouldn't sell.

They were wrong.

Then in 2018 Mo got to thinking,

[Mo does a lot of thinking; and he's smarter than I am in that he thinks about stuff before saying anything—I tend to get an idea and say something before thinking it all they way through. That's why Mo has a better track record in making his ideas a reality here at Better Display Cases. And he owns the company, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I digress again]

"Why not offer colored risers, not just the metal colored ones?" So, we got red, white, orange, and blue risers. They started selling very well so we added green and purple. Thus we have R(ed), O(range), G(reen), B(lue), and V(iolet)(purple).

[And what's the difference between violet and purple? Violet sounds cooler and you find words that rhyme with violet like pilot, but nothing rhymes with purple. And why we don't have words that rhyme with purple or orange? In centuries of the English language being around, how is it that theses two common words don't have rhymes? Nuts, I'm digressing again]

We're looking into getting Y(ellow), and have been trying to get a dark blue, I(ndigo), but the latter has proven difficult to get right. So we're not quite a full Rainbow Coalition yet, but we do have four extra colors in White, Black, Silver and Gold.

But the next color that we will be introducing is-drumroll please-PINK! This one was my idea, but Mo liked it right away.

[I'm surprised that I came up with this one; I'm old-school and thus am not politically correct all the time and I subscribe to the Neanderthal notion that real men don't do pink, although I have been known to wear a "Dusty Rose" or even "Salmon" colored shirt on occasion. Of course, I've been told real men don't think of salmon as a color, only as something to catch and eat. Great. Now I'm digressing from my digression.]

But (old-school, politically incorrect stereotype coming) we do have a lot of women who buy our cases. Plus athletes wear pink items that they auction off for Breast Cancer Awareness-Save the Ta-tas!-and those items need a display case that complements them. And folks use our cases for all kinds of things other than sports memorabilia. Next up is Part II, a discussion on why to choose a particular color.

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