Luchador Mask Display Cases (or How I Changed My Mind about Pro Wrestling)

One of the great things about this business is learning about the many cool things people collect. These "things" are not only objects - they have real meaning and history; a story behind them.  It always expands my understanding of something.  But sometimes, as in this case, it completely shifts my perspective on an entire aspect of my life. Really, I’m not exaggerating. Hear me out.

Luchador Mask Display Cases

So, to be brutally honest, I confess that I have had a rather poor opinion overall of "professional wrestling."  Whenever I turn it on I’m like: "come one, this is obviously fake; how can anyone waste their time watching it." 

I hope I didn’t just offend any pro wrestling fans out there. 

But, this experience learning about luchador masks and lucha libre wrestling has completely changed my perspective on all of professional wrestling.  I now have a new understanding and perspective about the theater aspect of pro wrestling.  Of course it’s not “real” in the sense of other sports like football, baseball, hockey, etc.

Luchador Mask Display Cases

I now see that professional wrestling is very definitely “real” in the same sense that theater is real.   Pro wrestling is a type of theater that uses amazing and exciting athletic skill and ability in a performance.  That’s why normally there is a story aspect to what is happening in the ring.  Normally a good vs evil; hero vs villain aspect. It shares much with any theater, play, performance, etc.

Maybe now I can watch pro wrestling with an eye for appreciating the athletic skill combined with the theater aspects of the performance. My life is changed for the better!

OK, if you are still reading this you may wonder what exactly was displayed that brought me this life-altering enlightenment.   

It was an amazing Luchador mask collection that one of our customers (Dustin from Indiana) has and displays in our 12" x 12" display case. [If you are wondering how the masks stand up, the answer is that Dustin places them over a foam head that he buys at Michaels.]

Until now, I knew nothing about Luchador masks. Well, actually looking back I realize I have seen them before in paintings and other art as iconic symbols of Mexican culture.  But, until now I didn’t know what they actually were.  

Luchador masks are used in a type of wrestling called lucha libre "free fight" or freestyle wrestling.  The masks are what really makes this form of wrestling stand out.  It helps make the wrestling match much like a dramatic theater event. 

The masks hide the wrestlers’ identity and are colorfully designed to bring to mind images of whatever identity the luchador is taking on during the wrestling / performance event.  It could be an historical hero, an animal, an ancient god, etc.  The masks are often bet on by fans prior to the match, with the winner of the match taking home both the championship belt and their opponent's mask and sometimes other prizes - like Mucha Liga tequila).

Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough. You get the gist of what I’m trying to say about Luchador masks and luca libre wrestling.   Mostly just that it’s really cool sport/theater with a lot of history and meaning behind it.    If I get the chance I’m going to buy me a  luchador mask and put it in a display case. 

 Dustin said the masks fit perfectly in our A061 (12" cube case) which can come with a mirror back or an all clear case and the base can be black or white.   We do have other cases that have other colorful base options like our A024b. But it would be a wider and deeper case. 

Here’s some pictures Dustin sent us of his awesome collection.

Mil Mascaras mask and mask was signed by Andrade El Idolo (AEW Wrestlers)

Silver mask with "m" on it is a Mil Mascaras mask
Black and white mask was signed by Andrade El Idolo (AEW Wrestlers)

Luchador mask display

Purple and gold mask was signed by Rey Mysterio (WWE Superstar)
Black and silver mask was signed by Pentagon Jr. (AEW Wrestler)

Mexican wrestling mask display case

Black Purple and Green Mask was signed by Pentagon Jr. (AEW Wrestler)
White mask was signed by Rey Fenix (AEW Wrestler)



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