Clearance (or Discount) Display Cases
UPDATE JAN 2025 -- we have changed how we ship our products. As a result we now have very few clearance display cases. Still, we do have some. And, probably more importantly, if you buy 2 or more of any of our products, we can give you a 15% discount. Just contact us about this. It's not quite clearance but still ... pretty good.
Clearance display cases come about in two ways.
One way is if we decide to discontinue a product. Right now our 6" x 6" 6" display cases (A058), 8" x 8" x 8" display cases (A059), acrylic mirror sheets and ring display cases are a good example of that.
We've had problems with the drawer on that ring display case breaking during shipment. But, getting rid of the drawer would take away a lot of what's unique about the case. We've also had a problem with bubbles showing up in the clear stem when that's glued to the platform. And sales have not been fantastic. So, for all those reasons, we are going to discontinue the product once it sells out. If you are interested in buying it we can give you a good price -- especially if you purchase a quantity of them.
The other way clearance products (or drastic discount products) happen is if a case has a slight defect. Maybe a scratch or smudge or something like that. It's probably hardly noticeable once something is displayed in it. Still, we can't sell it as a new case. Normally all we can do is throw it away.
If you are interested in such a case, contact us to let us know and we can see which case (or cases) you want and work out a deal. It'll be at least 50% off.
In the video below I talk about how we end up with some defective cases and what we do about them.
Here's an example of a "scratch and dent" case that a customer is using to show a model car and truck and built with his grandson. As you can see -- no one would ever notice whatever scratch or dent is on the case.